
Leersum West

Recently, together with Latei from Amersfoort, Ingenious bought 10 hectare of agricultural grounds, at the west side of Leersum. This is not just any other agricultural plot, but a plot with cultural and historical value that deserve attention. Because the location at the edge of the village, with proper exits, this is a logical location for expansion possibilities in a municipality where it is very different – partly because of its large forests and nature areas – to add the much needed houses. Ingenious currently inquires what the possibilities and wishes are, while paying attention to the use of the cultural-historical value. The most important aspects of contemplating this plan, are participation and support, the cultural-historical and natural use and sustainability. An important aspect is furthermore the bonus of decreasing the nitrogen emission by seeking another purpose for 10 hectare of agricultural grounds and the production capacity of feed for cattle.



Can I help you with something?
Johan van den Essenburg